Will the Cigarette Ban in Britain Force Bingo Enthusiasts On to the Web?
by Brennen on Friday, August 6th, 2021
A lot has been reported in the papers just a while ago regarding the bingo industry singing the blues as a consequence of the cigarette ban in England. Conditions have grown so poor that in Scotland the Bingo industry has demanded massive aid to help keep the industry afloat. However can the online version of this quintessential game present a salvation, or will it in no way compare to its real life opposite?
Bingo is an familiar game usually enjoyed by the "blue rinse" generation. However the game of late had witnessed a recent comeback in acceptance with younger men and women opting to visit the bingo parlours rather than the bars on a weekend. All this is about to change with the legislating of the anti cigarette law throughout Britain.
Players will no longer be permitted to smoke at the same time dabbing numbers. Beginning in the summer of ‘07 all public areas will no longer be permitted to allow cigarettes in their buildings and this includes Bingo halls, one of the most popular areas where folks enjoy smoking.
The effects of the anti cigarette law can already be looked at in Scotland where smoking is already banned in the bingo parlors. Numbers have plunged and the industry is absolutely fighting for its life. But where did all the players go? Surely they have not given up on this age old game?
The answer is on the web. Gamblers realise that they can play bingo from their computer while enjoying a cocktail and cigarette and still enjoy huge prizes. This is a recent phenomenon and has happened bordering on perfect with the anti cigarette law.
Of course playing online is unlikely to replace the collective part of going down to the bingo parlor, but for a group of players the rules have left a lot of bingo enthusiasts with little option.
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