Could the Anti Cigarette Law in Britain Force Bingo Players Online?
by Brennen on February 4th, 2016
A lot has been stated in the press not long ago regarding the bingo industry being hit as a consequence of the cigarette ban in Britain. Things have become so bad that in Scotland the Bingo industry has asked for big aid to help keep the industry afloat. However will the online version of this quintessential game present a reprieve, or might it never compare to its land based kin?
Bingo is an classic game normally enjoyed by the "blue rinse" generation. For all that the game recently had witnessed a recent increase in popularity with younger people deciding to go to the bingo parlours rather than the discos on a Saturday night. All this is about to be reversed with the legislating of the smoking ban throughout UK.
Players will no longer be allowed to puff on cigarettes while marking numbers. Beginning in the summer of 2007 every public area will not be allowed to permit smoking in their venues and this includes Bingo halls, one of the most favorite places where folks enjoy smoking.
The results of the cigarette ban can already be observed in Scotland where cigarettes are already illegal in the bingo parlors. Numbers have plunged and the business is beyond a doubt fighting for its life. But where did the players go? Certainly they haven’t forgotten this classic game?
The answer is on the internet. People realise that they can play bingo in front of their computer while enjoying a beer and cigarette and in the end, have a chance at monstrous cash rewards. This is a recent development and has happened almost perfectly with the anti smoking law.
Of course gambling on on the web will never replace the communal aspect of heading over to the bingo parlour, but for a group of men and women the law has left a good many bingo players with no option.
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